Business & Executive Development

target2Delivering the results you need

We understand what business and executive coaching means for optimum results. Our goal is to collaborate with you and your business, by moving you closer to your strategic objectives and goals. From a position of knowledge, insight and expertise.

The purpose is to deliver tangible evidence-based outcomes. Without an evidence-based service, we are in the realm of opinions and snake-oiled salespeople. We deliver the science of coaching psychology to find your goals and achieve them. With a continued legacy of success for you, your career and your business.

Delivering on our promise

Bright Sparks Business and Executive Coaching helps you and your business achieve the real, tangible and measurable results that you need. We give you the skills necessary to take you forward. Making you stand out from the crowd to move you forward successfully.

Perhaps you are a new manager or have started a role in an organisation. Do you need more agile leadership techniques? Perhaps just need a new perspective on where you need to develop. Whatever you need, we will expertly guide you toward a new and rewarding perspective for your career and professional development.

Your needs may range from:

Self-awareness – building upon strengths whilst re-igniting your sense of purpose, motivation & energy for your role and your business. We will build upon those strengths that have made you the successful person you are today. This can only be achieved with the ability to discuss and reflect upon your key attributes and what makes you the person you are today.

Optimum Business Performance – building capabilities, coaching others, improving prioritisation, managing difficult people negotiating the organisational politics & potential conflict. You may be engaged in organisational change rebuilding teams or securing senior support for your business vision.

Promotion & Career Change – Struggling to be perceived as ready for that promotion? Seeking a new role and challenging and changing business sector, function & responsibility? Looking for clarity on your ideal role that offers challenges in a business that appreciates you?

Leadership Transformation – Have difficulties projecting your influence at executive levels and engaging your vision across the layers of management? Diplomatic management of diverse stakeholders, building senior team capabilities, creating new cultures, fostering portfolio strategic thinking. All aspects are required to be a reflective & effective leader.

No one size fits all

We know that there are no two business people alike. Our goal is to listen and design a programme to move you to the next level of your business or career. Rest assured that our work will be tailored around you and your immediate strategic needs. Just pick up the phone 07572881604 or contact us for further details and programme plans.

**All coaching sessions are tailored around you and your immediate strategic needs. Talk to us about our fees and further details on charges, session structure and programme plans or perhaps let’s meet for a coffee?